15头野生亚洲象的“北漂”之旅还在继续,谁也没有想到,一群“不速之客”就这样靠“蹭吃蹭喝”成了网红。 一路追踪,一路“投喂”,一路“象”北。15头大象的北迁也引起了全球瞩目,在外媒眼中,如何评价中国应对象群的措施呢? A herd of wild Asian elephants in southwest China has caught worldwide attention for its long northward journey, migrating 500 kilometers from its traditional home in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture. The government in Yunnan Province has been working to address human-elephant conflicts by building barriers, such as fences and ridges. What has foreign media's reaction been to the elephants' march? 邻国直播解说“象群去哪儿” TBS电视台的大型直播节目《午间趣谈》,用了整整30分钟做了一个专辑,邀请了日本知名度极高的动物专家川上茂久和派驻在云南玉溪的记者做连线嘉宾,为此次大象“北漂”进行讲解。 节目介绍了中国西双版纳自然保护区,用于保护珍稀动植物的生活栖息地。 节目特地解释,虽然西双版纳被划为保护区,但此处并没有像野生动物园那样设置栅栏墙,所以,象群出门,不会有谁拦住不让出去。 经过近30年的努力,生活在中国境内的亚洲象,从90年代大约170头,增加到如今300头左右。大象北迁过程中的种种趣事也给节目增色不少,网友纷纷猜测“象群去哪儿”。 通过TBS电视台的报道,让更多人看懂了中国在保护野生动物方面所做的努力,中国普通老百姓对待野生动物的态度。 Japan’s TBS spent 30 minutes reporting on the elephants’ progress on road. The program introduced Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve in China, home to rare animals and plants, and explained that elephants could walk freely from the reserve because it has no fences. After nearly 30 years of work, the number of Asian elephants living in China has increased from around 170 in the 1990s to about 300 today. Speculation about the elephants' next stop has also been a topic of interest, with netizens wondering where the elephants will choose to settle down. 外媒评价 6月3日,华盛顿邮报描述了当地居民和象群们自然和谐相处的一面,居民们铲起象群们的便便,为自家农田做肥料。 The Washington Post also described how local residents have piled up the elephants' droppings to fertilize their fields, which reflects the harmony between human and elephants. 海外网友持续关注